Is The ASUS N552VW-FY094T Laptop Good For Gaming? (UK Review)

Today we have what is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful high-end laptops recently released. Let’s find if the ASUS N552VW-FY094T is a good gaming laptop


ASUS is probably one of my favorite laptop manufacturers, as they have models in almost all price ranges that will suit to different types of users. The ASUS N552VW-FY094T is one of the upper range models from this Taiwanese manufacturer, so let’s analyse it and discover what kind of user should get one.

ASUS N552VW-FY094T: Power and Elegance

The first glance on the ASUS N552VW-FY094T couldn’t be better. It has a distinguished metallic design that gives an aspect of class and elegance to its chassis. If you check its hardware settings and analyze its design altogether, it is certainly one of the most beautiful powerful laptops currently available, and it’s quite affordable too.

The main hardware component that attracted me to this portable computer is its processor. It’s powered by the i7-6700HQ, a quad core from the sixth generation of Intel processors called “Skylake”. With 8 threads and a maximum turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz, this processor is often found in high end gaming laptops which normally have a more aggressive design. The ASUS N552VW combines a more classy design, with all the power of its quad core processor.

ASUS N552VW-FY094T: Pros

Apart from its processor, this laptop also has a high end video card. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M is one of the most powerful dedicated video cards for laptops released recently. The 960M has 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM, guaranteeing that this laptop can handle heavy graphics even with a high number of polygons on the screen.

Another critical factor for gaming laptops is RAM. This laptop comes with 16GB RAM which is quite uncommon for laptops on its price category, and an excellent point on this laptop, especially for gaming. RAM allows your laptop to access important data faster, and in the case of heavy games, being able to manage huge data sets timely is critical.

Finally this laptop has a 15.6 LED backlit display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels (Full HD) which is quite standard for gaming laptops, and enough to guarantee your gaming experience will flow smoothly.

ASUS N552VW-FY094T: Veredict

I really like this laptop. Not only for its design and hardware, it has also a very competitive price, and can be an excellent choice if you want a high end gaming laptop but you do not want to spend too much. If you like heavy gaming, but also work with your laptop, you will be probably very satisfied with this machine.

ASUS N552VW-FY094T 15.6 inch Gaming Laptop (Intel Core i7-6700HQ 2.60 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, 128 GB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M, Windows 10)


Click here to buy this laptop on

Processor: i7-6700HQ
Display: 15.6″ inch Full HD
Storage: 1TB HDD + 128GB SSD

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